5 Easy Steps to Designing Your Own Custom Vape Packaging

If you’re looking to start selling your own e-liquids, one of the first things you need to do is design your own custom vape packaging. It’s a fun process that you can do using basic word processing software applications. Here are some tips for how you can do it yourself, with minimum cost and maximum efficiency.

  1. Decide on a Theme

One of the first things you should think about when you create a package is what your theme is going to be. If you are starting as a new vendor of these products, you need to decide on a packaging theme. This theme should reflect your brand. It is not only crucial for the product but is for your entire business too.

It gives trust to your customers in your brand, and they start to buy products from you instead of others. This thing will help you to increase your brand’s loyalty in the market. As a result, you will have more customers that will maximize your products and will boost your business. 

  1. Set your margins for the box and design the box art

Next, you need to set your margins and create a box art. Margins are the space between the outside of the box and the picture on the left. It is imperative to set margins because if you don’t, the image will be too close to the edge of the box. 

You can do this task on your own. Otherwise, you can hire a person for this job. If you are hiring someone else, make sure that he has experience in this niche. 

With these margins and artworks, you can give an enticing look to your products that will help you to differentiate your products from rivals. Many companies use this trick to make the unique identity of their brand in the market that helps them to get more customers and boost their business.

  1. Design the bottle artwork

It’s important to think about your brand and how you want it to be perceived. If your brand is about luxury, then you should pay attention to the design of the bottle. The bottle shouldn’t be cheap or flimsy. Smell testing is also important to gauge how your flavor profiles will translate into the cloud.

You can use this template to design your own custom vape bottle from a stock photo. However, be sure to match the graphic design with your branding.

Whether you choose to logo your bottles, write your label, or draw captions, you’re going to want to take a lot of pictures for Instagram. You’re only going to need a few, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

However, you have lots of options to come up with captions for your e-liquid. Whether you want to say your product is made with real fruit, cocoa beans, or vanilla beans, you can get creative with your captions. If you do end up branching out to drawing your own bottle labels, you can use one of the many graphic design products online.

If you have a printer, you should be able to get your e-liquid bottles printed on TPU (thermoplastic elastomer). It’s thermoplastic, so it’s scratch and leak-resistant, but it isn’t as flexible as either rigid cardboard or fleece material. Moreover, there are several other printing methods that you can use for your packaging printing. If you are using cardboard box packaging, you will find more economical printing options in the market.  

  1. Create labels for your product bottles

This might sound like a silly tip, but it can help boost sales of your products. In the tobacco industry, it’s common practice to label product bottles with names and descriptions of the product and ingredients. The names are easily remembered thanks to their pleasant names and descriptions.

Similarly, when you’re designing your own custom e-liquid packaging, the copy and graphics used will serve as visual marketing material. It serves as an excellent way to build up a following of people interested in your products. 

Many businesses use Back-off Photoshop in their e-liquid packaging design process. This is one of the favorite ways to get started with custom e-liquid packaging designs.

First, choose your favorite graphic design software (we recommend Canva for most brands and Adobe Photoshop for all others). Then, open Canva or Adobe Photoshop and start drawing or designing your e-liquid container using the default graphics.

When you get bored with your design, you can use exposure and sharpness to change colors or add more detail to your design. When you change your design, you’ll see the results immediately and save some time. However, your graphic design will likely be last, so be patient and don’t rush this step!

  1. Design your vape box

If you’re a vape shop owner, you need to make sure that your box looks great. It’s the first thing people see when they walk into your shop, so you want it to be eye-catching and professional. It’s also important that your box includes some information about your shop. For example, displaying logos, a phone number, and the names of your employees helps your store stand out from all the other vapes on the shelves. It makes you stand out from all the other shop owners and tells potential customers exactly what you offer.

 This won’t be easy to do, and it will take some time to perfect, but everyone has a little bit of knowledge. The trick is to find a way of making your user entry quick and easy for your customer. Here are some ideas you can use to do that (be sure to visit the official Best Buy user guide):

 Show a QR code (can be done from your phone, or printed, and then cut out) with your logo and name. That way, even if a customer can’t remember your name or logo, they can still enter your store with this unique code.

Offer a “free” personalized greeting with the credit card number of your customer.

Offer a variation of the same greeting in multiple languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. (This means you don’t have to look for a different form to print out.)

Using the above-mentioned tips, you can easily design the best packaging boxes for your vape cartridges and other liquids. So, get help from these tips and expand your business in no time. 

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