Drug Abuse is not just a mere problem; it’s an international issue

The field of drug addiction is a dynamic field that establishes its priorities based on the prevailing social needs regarding this problem. In therapeutic communities, people live with each other 24 hours a day for a minimum established period and, therefore. This research aims to demonstrate the existence of benefits of the use of Alternative Therapies as a complement to psychopharmacological intervention in a therapeutic community. For this, and together with the bibliographic review, a triangulate investigation has been carried out combining questionnaires with professionals and interviews with users of a therapeutic community.

Benefits of alternative therapies addiction treatments

What are the benefits of applying alternative therapies as a complement to psychotherapy and pharmacological intervention within a Therapeutic Community?

Alternative Therapies, from the perspective of social intervention, encompass a great variety of practices aimed at improving the balance in the biopsychosocial state of the users, of which the following have been chosen to carry out this research: music therapy, laughter therapy, and meditation or mindfulness. The support for better medical conditions with the proper medical treatment is the thing that actually works.

A major problem of society worldwide

Drug abuse is a major public health problem, as well as a serious labor problem in industrialized countries. The serious labor consequences (lower performance, increased number of accidents, etc.) and the possibility of successfully tackling the problem from the companies’ occupational health services. This makes it necessary to create policies and intervention programs. The general objective of all these programs is to achieve the personal and occupational rehabilitation of the affected workers. Other secondary objectives are to improve absenteeism and accident rates, to establish general guidelines for action by occupational doctors to intervene in situations of drug abuse in the workplace.

Private or Free Rehabilitation Centre?

This article reviews epidemiological data, labor, personal and social consequences, different international and national norms and recommendations, as well as specific programs of national and foreign companies in the different production sectors. Finally, the general guidelines for the action of occupational physicians of occupational describing the health services.

Each attempt to address the addiction therapy that can be causing by numerous medications, alcohol, or gambling problems. A toxic individual, therefore, needs stability because he has no alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, or other drugs. The targets to be reaching are identical in both kinds of resources. When interactions with alcohol, drugs, or gameplay halt, the employment of numerous strategies for treating acute withdrawal syndrome is important.

Private dependence treatment centers obviously offer a lot of benefits not allowed by public centers. Mainly, in the first place, the well-known “waiting lists”. In Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune, we will be able to access the treatment instantly, upon payment. In public resources or different associations, you generally have to wait until there are available places.

The Drug Rehabilitation center in Pune has the experts and professionals. Who provide the best treatment with medical, physical and mental support. If you have a drug addict suffering from the drug abuse in your home then take him to the rehabilitation.

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