Facebook Apps: Adding Iframes to Your Site

Iframes As we all know, Facebook is one of the fastest-growing social networking sites in the world. The website is used for many different reasons: connecting with friends and family, playing games, live messenger, etc. Facebook is introducing many new features on its website. One of those changes coming is using iframes on your actual Facebook page. Some of you may be wondering what in the world is an iframe. Iframes are used to divide a page into separate sections. For example: If you were on your actual Facebook page you could have an option to have another page on the inside of that page. You would be able to scroll up and down on either one of the sections with ease. In simpler terms, it’s a page inside a page.

In the past, Facebook used tabs and FBML but they are going away. FBML stood for Facebook Markup Language. This was simply Facebook’s version of an HTML iframe code generator will now take the place of those two terms mentioned above. Iframes are actually not new; they will just be new to Facebook. This would give you access to having an entire web page on the inside of your actual Facebook page. You would be able to scroll up and down on your iframe without the actual Facebook page moving at all.

By using the iFrame code, you can open or display your autoresponder sign-up form directly on your sales page. Then as your visitor signs up for your list or newsletter you can display the iFrames thank-you page in the same iFrame, all the while keeping your visitor on the sales page and still reading your message.

Setting up your iFrame code is quite simple. Here is some sample code you can use. Keep in mind, you can adjust the size of your iFrame and the color
of the page background, etc., like you would do with any HTML webpage.

This new technology is called FB Maxed. This technology includes: displaying HTML5 videos, insert opt-in forms, PHP email forms, photograph galleries, landing page, and much more. Some of these terms I mentioned above you may have never heard of before. I will give a brief explanation based on my use of iframes what each of the term means to me personally below.

  1. HTML5 Videos-simply a way to show content from the World Wide Web.
  2. Opt-In Forms-this is another word used to stand for a form with your contact information on it.
  3. PHP email Forms-just a way to send emails to other people.
  4. Photograph Galleries- allows you to add photos.
  5. Landing Page- this is your actual page.

Hopefully that gave you just a little insight on what you can expect to see on a FB Maxed page. There are many different templates that you can use to get your iframes website up and rolling. It’s not a question of will Facebook will use this new technology because it has already begun.  A responsive iframe generator will give you the opportunity to use the most updated technology and use it on your page.


Posted in SEO

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