How can you have a very rewarding career with the help of CPHQ certification?

 All the healthcare professionals who are very much interested to have a very good and rewarding career opportunity must go with the option of attending the right kind of classes and indulge in the right preparation for exams. CPHQ exam preparation course is a very important aspect to be taken into consideration by the people so that they have proper access to a very good career opportunity. Several kinds of proven competencies have supported that quality is the most important aspect to be taken into consideration by the people and all the people who are interested to demonstrate their commitment towards the quality profession should go with the option of indulging in preparation for this particular certification.


 CPHQ test preparation will always help in providing the people with a comprehensive understanding of the content of the exam, the pattern of the exam, techniques to be used in the exam and the process of passing the exam. This particular course will also help in providing the people with comprehensive guidelines about focusing on the study efforts in the whole process. All the people who will need this particular course are:


  1. Doctors and nurses working in the quality sector
  2. Pathologists
  3. Lab technicians
  4. Hospital administration staff
  5. Healthcare quality professionals
  6. Accreditation officers
  7. Risk managers
  8. Senior nurses
  9. Medical directors and several other kinds of professionals


 The awarding body of this particular certification will be National Association for Healthcare Quality or NAHQ. All the professionals who are very much interested to excel and demonstrate their skill competency in this particular field should go with the option of applying the right kind of skills to achieve this particular certification. The examination pattern of this course has been explained as:


  • They will be a multiple-choice examination consisting of 140 questions
  • 125 questions will be graded
  • The methodology used to set the minimum passing score will be applied during the performance of a passing point study by a panel of experts in the field


 The individual membership fees for this particular course will be 225US dollars, student membership fees will be 99US dollars and the emeritus membership fees will be US$99. The membership of the NAHQ will start the very first day of the month which the people will be joining and in addition to this people will also be receiving the one month grace period when the annual membership will expire. The examination fees for the member price will be US$ 473 and for the non-member price will be 579US dollars.



 Hence, going with the option of this particular certification is a very good idea for the professionals in this particular field so that they can avail themselves of several kinds of advantages and can have a better understanding of the quality aspect of the healthcare field very easily. This particular certification is the best possible way of becoming academically and professionally successful in the long run in the field of healthcare quality management. So, going with the option of certified professional in healthcare quality course is a very good idea and rewarding career opportunity because it will be based upon proven competencies of the field.

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