How Did 23 Year Old Boy Become Shaheed-e-Azam?


There were many martyrs in the freedom struggle, they were shot on the chest, many were hanged by their necks. But how did a 23-year-old boy become Shaheed-e-Azam? Have you ever thought? The reason was not that he took up the weapon, the reason was that he carried the weapon in one hand and the book in the other. latest breaking news in hindi The story has to be understood a little more from the beginning. Year 1910. An uncle Swaran Singh had died after suffering English torture, the other uncle Ajit Singh was cutting a ferry abroad to escape from the British. One aunt was a widow in the house, the other was neither a widow, nor a Sadhwa. She used to love 3-year-old Bhagat Singh with her in her lap and would cry as soon as she saw her.


It is said that the feet of the Poot are visible only in the cradle, then the feet of the Bhagat were also visible. Bhagat Singh, a 3-year-old with milk teeth, would put his arms around the elder aunt’s neck and say, ‘Don’t cry, I will kill the British and uncle will return soon. Telling another aunt – I will take revenge on the British.


Guns were sown in childhood.


One day, mango plants were being planted after preparing the land of the garden, when father Sardar Kishan Singh came to show the garden to his friend Mehta Nandkishore, he also brought Bhagat Singh along. latest bollywood breaking news in hindi The son left his father’s finger and went to the field and started planting straws like plants. Father asked – what are you doing?


The answer came – I am sowing guns…


Both were stunned to hear Bhagat Singh’s answer and his smile told that the seeds of revolution had been sown. The heart was rarely found in school books, but fifty books written by uncle Ajit Singh, Lala Hardayal and Sufi Ambaprasad kept in the house were read in the fourth grade itself. The entire family was revolutionary. latest international breaking news in hindi What a wonderful family it was, grandfather Arjun Singh, father Kishan Singh and mother Aryasamaji, grandmother and both aunts were strong.


The religious beliefs of the whole family were divided, but all respected each other’s religious beliefs. An example can be seen only at the time of Yagyopaveet of Bhagat Singh. He had to be shaved by Hindu custom, the barber came. But Dadi Jaykaur’s faith was in Sikhism, innate religious feeling towards hair. When grandmother requested, the hair was not cut.


left home before marriage


The family was revolutionary, so how could Bhagat Singh remain untouched? The Jallianwala massacre took place on the day of Baisakhi on 13 April 1919. 12-year-old Bhagat Singh did not go to school the next day and went straight to Amritsar, where every particle of the earth was moaning. There was terror in the city, white wolves were shooting anyone without any reason, fearless Bhagat Singh still reached Jallianwala Bagh.


Filling a pinch of soil colored with the blood of the martyrs, applied a vaccine on the forehead and then reached home late after filling some soil in a small vial. Showed the vial to the sister at home, told the whole story and plucked the flowers, kept them around the vial. This process of offering flowers went on for many days. DAV continued to participate in the activities of revolution in school too, had become so devoted to the country that he abandoned the idea of ​​marriage. Still know that their engagement was fixed. But a few days before the engagement, he went to Lahore from home and escaped from there. Letters were kept on the father’s table as he went.


“Dear Father”




My life has become Waqf for the purpose of motive-aala i.e. Azadi-e-Watan.


That’s why there was no rest and worldly desire in my life. I hope you will forgive me – your subordinate Bhagat Singh.


Who was the ideal of Bhagat Singh?


Although Bhagat Singh’s life was short, it is impossible to cover him in a few lines. From Lahore to Kanpur, Ganesh Shankar continued to write with Vidyarthi. Started studying Marxism in Kanpur itself. In 1920, Gandhiji jumped into the non-cooperation movement, after the Chauri Chaura incident on 12 February 1922, when Gandhiji withdrew the movement, Bhagat Singh parted ways. Anyway, Bhagat Singh used to consider Kartar Singh Sarabha, who hanged himself in 1914 at the age of 18, as his ideal, had also bought his picture from the fair.


The convoy of revolution with Azad, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Batukeshwar Dutt, Ajay Ghosh, Suresh Bhattacharya set out on a different path. Later, Bhagat Singh and his associates killed the British officer Saunders. There was also the death penalty for the same crime.


Thoughts made Shaheed-e-Azam


Bhagat Singh definitely chose the path of violence but he himself used to say it. “The word revolution means the spirit of change and aspiration for progress. Arms and ammunition may sometimes be necessary for revolution but the sword of revolution is sharpened at the hone of ideas.”


Bhagat Singh clearly writes that


“Bomb and pistol are not synonymous with revolution”


If you want to find Bhagat Singh, look for it in the aroma of books, not in the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder. Bhagat Singh will be found in his articles written in a calm spirit instead of shouting slogans in a loud voice. Will be seen in the books written on them. Bhagat Singh was really fatal for the British rule because he was more ideological revolutionary than armed. At the age of 23, he has read so many books that the common man cannot read in his life.


And if the educated man is against, then it is most dangerous for the almighty power. Therefore, despite all the efforts and letters of Gandhiji, Lord Irwin did not forgive the hanging.


Even Gandhiji could not save Bhagat Singh.


On the last day, Gandhi had promised Irwin in a letter that Bhagat Singh’s organization would no longer do any violent activity. But on the one hand the pressure of the Punjab Police on Lord Irwin and on the other the influence of the revolutionary ideas of Bhagat Singh. Irwin could not show a big heart. Being hanged. But hanging not only made Bhagat Singh immortal, but also made Shaheed-e-Azam. Some people say that Gandhi did not do anything to stop the hanging, the truth is that those who say this are the followers of those who did not do anything under the thumb of the British, did not want to do it. Gandhi was the leader who, despite standing on the other end ideologically, was trying to stop the hanging till the last day.


Who is the real culprit of Bhagat Singh?


His real culprits were Hansraj and Jayagopal of his organization. Who had testified against Bhagat Singh by becoming a government witness. Saunders was killed instead of Scott due to Jaigopal’s fault, but many people target him because of his hatred for Gandhi, but no one says anything to his comrades who become government witnesses. Perhaps it does not benefit them ideologically and politically.


Bhagat Singh was on the path of violence, but when he does not say that the bomb-gun is synonymous with revolution, he also says that there is a Gandhi in him too. His fight was not only against the British but against the entire imperialism. It is easy to put Bhagat Singh’s photo status, even to get attracted after bombs and guns, but it is difficult to understand Bhagat. For this you have to read his articles. Gotta get into the books. And believe me if you read them, you will know the difference between nationalism and real nationalism due to the loudness of slogans.

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