Small Business Character Certified? Let’s All Support Each Other!

Every business has a character. It’s the way you act when no one is looking. It’s the way youtreat your employees and your customers. It’s how you handle bad reviews and your reputation in the community. It’s how you run your business when no one is watching.

Are you certified?

For every customer or client who purchases from you, there are dozens more who Googled you,checked out your Facebook page, read your Yelp reviews, and asked around about you before deciding to do business with you. And what did they find? How trustworthy are you? What does your business say about the people who work for it?

“If I were a potential customer for your business, would I want to work with you?”

That’s the question that will determine whether or not someone decides to give you their money. That’s what Business Character Certification is all about – making sure that potential customers get an accurate impression of who they’ll be working with if they decide to do business with us.

What is Small Business Character Certified?

Small Business Character Certified is a certification that promotes businesses throughout the country with the highest standards of operation, service, ethics and transparency. The
certification makes it easy to name-check businesses that have proven to be trustworthy.

With SBCC, everyone wins. Customers can be confident that every interaction they have with a certified business will be legitimate and safe. Businesses can enhance their reputation by showing customers they have the highest standards of operation and ethics.

How does getting Small Business Character Certified help your business?

Reach a new audience of consumers looking for businesses that are owned and operated by
people who are ethical and trustworthy, who care about their employees, who operate in an
environmentally responsible manner, and who give back to their communities. Get the
recognition you deserve for being a good small business owner!

What does it mean for your business?

Small Business Character Certification is a simple concept. It’s an online badge that you can display on your website or social media pages, which leads visitors to a profile of your business on SBCC’s website. Consumers can then learn all sorts of great things about your company, such as what sets your company apart from others in your industry — maybe it’s that you make all products in America, or that you donate part of every sale to charity, or use recycled materials. And when consumers see the badge, they know that you really have been certified as a character-based small business owner.

How can you get started?

When you’re ready to take our businesses to the next level, it’s time to get Small Business
Character Certified!

If your business is willing and able to show the world that it’s not just about profit but about making an impact on the community and giving back, then this assessment is for you! It will take between 15-30 minutes to complete, and it’s broken up into multiple-choice questions that analyze your business character. Top performers will receive their downloadable Certificate immediately upon successful completion, so even if you don’t pass the first time, keep trying! You’ll be ready in no time!

Let’s start a movement of businesses that are dedicated to making a difference in their
communities. Let’s be known for our unique characters as well as our quality products and
services. Let’s make an impact in a positive way. Ready? Set? Go get certified today!

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